Can help people dressed Amazon launched Echo Look camera

Amazon today announced the launch of the Echo Series new device: Echo Look, an assistant-style camera that helps users customize clothing and evaluate clothing style and appearance based on machine learning algorithms and fashion expert advice. In addition, users can use Echo Look to take photos or short videos and check their dress from a rare angle. Echo Look was first exposed in March when it was called a "security camera." The leaked photos were exactly the same as Amazon announced today. The device is equipped with a built-in LED light, a microphone and a base that can be attached to the wall or placed separately. It can also be used with related applications that have a style checking function that can compare the suitability of the two sets of clothing to the user. More suitable clothing and speed. Like Echo speakers before Amazon, users can ask Alexa in Echo Look to read messages received by users, play music, or assess local traffic conditions. Amazon said it will continue to add more Alexa features to Echo Look. The device seems to be the way Amazon expands its fashion retail store because it will store the appearance of the user's body and recommend clothing that fits the user's style. From a fashion and lifestyle perspective, the camera may also be a way to enter the fitness field. Echo Look may soon have an app that can take photos daily to compare weight loss progress. Echo Look is currently on the market, retailing for $199.99, and is initially open for purchase by Amazon Prime members. 燑br>

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