Interview with the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, chief designer Sha Xiaotong (pictured)

Sha Xiaotong, chief designer of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games

The 2008 Olympic Games is not only a sports event, but also a grand gathering of people's cultural exchanges around the world. Running the Beijing Olympics and Paralympics is the top priority. How to put the promise of running a unique and high-level Olympic Games into practice, to make the international community satisfied, to satisfy the athletes of all countries, to satisfy the people, and to receive attention from all walks of life.

At 15 o'clock on August 10, the chief lighting designer Sha Xiaotong explained the lighting design at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

The light changes from black and white to meticulously, and then to the contemporary dreamy effect

[Moderator]: Dear friends, Hello everyone! Welcome to the People’s Daily Olympics video interview program. The opening ceremony has ended 40 hours, but the discussion on the opening ceremony of the People’s Online is still in full swing. Everything from the theme, the beauty of the dance is unforgettable. One important part that runs through it is the light. The dreamy scroll effect, the incredible light and shadow splashing is how it is realized, and what kind of story is behind it. Today we are very pleased to invite the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, Mr. Sha Xiaoying, to ask him to reveal it to us.

[沙晓岚]: Hello, everyone!

[Moderator]: The opening ceremony has won praises from all over the world. The part of the lighting is very exciting. In the entire opening design, does the lighting part have a theme?

[Sha Xiaolan]: In the opening ceremony, the lighting must have a theme. I remember that two years ago, when I entered this main creative team, when Zhang Yimou directed us to communicate, he made it clear that our lighting should be very particular. We want a very good lighting. Don't usually have the kind of party lighting, this is a requirement for his quality. When we conceived the design, we understood the director’s intentions including the whole program, and gradually raised the lighting concept to a concept and concept, because our program gradually transitioned from ancient to modern, and the four major inventions They are all inside. At the time, the director requested that in ancient times, the concept of black and white should be adhered to. This light should be very tasteful and very textured. When it comes to the present, we can do the same colorful and dreamlike. Through these requirements, we gradually formed the effect of a simple and simple black and white ink painting in ancient times, just like an open Chinese landscape painting scroll, and gradually transitioned to the Chinese ritual and music, which gradually became a colorful painting. It is gradually beginning to appear color. In the next part, in this part of the contemporary, you see Lang Lang playing the piano, then Tai Chi, and the earth rises. In this part, we make the color very gorgeous, just like an impressionist painting. This kind of smashing is not the usual kind of miscellaneous, but the feeling of being very dreamy. For example, in the back of the luminous people, the colors are very colorful, if there is no comparison between the surrounding lights and the flowers, we would like to put it in an extremely clean environment, very clean blue color. In the shade, the light of the two thousand computers to be done by this light is very soft, like the feeling that a light is on. In the end, they spent a long time, and the light was evenly distributed. Our lighting has a concept, not the usual rhythm of music. Let's take a look, a strong reaction, from black and white to meticulous, heavy, and then to the very beautiful dreams of contemporary.

There was no mistake on the light and I scored 85 points.

[Moderator]: Do you think that the lighting part you are in charge has realized your dream?

[Sha Xiaolan]: It should be said that at least 85% is realized, and there is still a part, because every time it is impossible to be perfect, 100%, it will leave some regrets, and even though we are all work this time. Everyone is full of enthusiasm, because the Olympic Games is a century-old dream of the Chinese nation. We all know that this meaning is very important, so everyone is working very hard. Everyone has been smashing more than 100 nights and doing this, but it will stay. Some regrets, in short, on the last day, I remember that on the evening of August 7, all directors, including all departments, said that you should stay up all night, save your energy, preserve the fighting power, and tomorrow is the opening ceremony. However, we always feel unsatisfied. We always feel that there are some regrets. We are not willing to go. We have been modifying and modifying it. We have been repairing it in detail, and we are unaware that it is dawning. Everyone goes back.

On the day of the opening ceremony, on the whole, it was very good. It should be said that there was no mistake on the light. The so-called mistake is that the opening is all open. How much brightness should be opened, according to the original plan, but Say a little regret, didn't leave, still regret, always feel giving me some more time, I can change the imperfections I see can be better. Also, the light is directly related to the weather, because there is no rain that day, but the humidity is very high, and its humidity has reached more than 90%, so the humidity in the air is too big, forming a light effect on our light. It feels like there is a layer of fog that will hurt us some clarity. This is also regrettable. If the weather is dry that day, you will feel that the light penetration rate is much better than it is now, and it will be even better.

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